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Imperial Productions ®
Faux Bamboo
* ResinMold® Flexible Curved & Arched
* Hardwoods, NeoPlasterTM-GRG, ArchPolymerTM
* Fiberglass, StoneMoldTM, ZeamentTM
WARNING NOT SAFE FOR PANDAS but Great for Furniture Making
Flexible ResinMold®
Custom Quoted
for Curved Cabinetry
and Furniture
Bamboo Panel 36" x 36"
Faux Bamboo Panel 72" x 9"
Bamboo Single Pole 36" x 1-1/2"
Bamboo Single Pole 36" x 2"
Bamboo Single Pole 5FT x 2"
Go Back Panel Molds
Go Back Main Moulding Page
How to Order Products 1-800-399-7585 416-264-6096
* All Prices & specifications in this website subject to change without notice
* Prices are net, Freight, Taxes & Duties charged where applicable otherwise
client is responsible for remittance
* Measurements are approximate only, Final Product may vary from this website
COPYRIGHT MRDCI Martin Richards Design and Contracting Inc, Martin Richards DesignTM
and Imperial Productions® Feb 2018 all rights reserved
Last Update AUG-23